Falcon Club
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Falcon Club
Mission Statement
Our Mission:
To support athletic and academic excellence and to promote the athlete's commitment to their team, sportsmanship and to build character in athletes, and long-term community involvement while maintaining the history and tradition of being a Falcon for all student athletes at Scotts Valley High School.
The Purpose of the Athletic Booster Club at SVHS is to support the all athletics in providing a well balanced and diverse program that offers opportunities for all student athletes in every sport.
The funding provided by the Falcon Club is critical to the existence of the athletic programs at Scotts Valley High School.
The Club's primary function is to provide funding for the general operating budget of all the SVHS teams.
In order to achieve this primary function, the Falcon Club relies on the support of parents and our community.
We are stronger together.
~ Todd Hoffman

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With a wide variety of athletics to choose from, more than half of the students participate in at least one after school sport.
SVHS has had many SCCAL and CCS championship top finishes in Football, Cross Country, Track & Field, Wrestling, Baseball, Golf, Girl's Soccer, Girl’s Tennis, Diving and Cheer. Cross Country has also gone to State the last 3 years and we've had athletes go to State from T&F every year.
In order to participate in after-school sports all students, including those with special needs, must meet the eligibility requirements.
SVHS Athletics and Falcon coaches emphasize the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship, and personal development. They teach responsibility to oneself and team, commitment, physical fitness, and the skills and strategies of each sport. You are encouraged to participate on an athletic team during high school.
Current Officers:
President - DeAndre James
Vice President - Todd Hoffman
Treasurer - Chrissie Reynolds
Asst. Treasurer - Linda Benko
Secretary - Nancy Franich
Marketing - OPEN
Banners - Amanda Gunderson
Membership - Heidi Reynolds
Merchandise - Jason Meulman
Website - Maria Torchio Gauthier
Social Media - Lorraine Strassman